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John E. Crean, Jr., Obl.S.B., Ph.D.


Just found a new book by an author I very much admire, Sarah Young. JESUS

CALLING, although new to me, was published in 2006. I have found her writing

helpful for some time now, ever since I ran across her book JESUS ALWAYS,

published ten years later. Sarah writes as if Jesus were speaking to us himself.

In her April 26th meditation from JESUS CALLING, he counsels us that “once your

perspective has been heightened, you can look away from the problem

altogether. Turn toward Me and see the Light of My Presence shining upon you.”

And psalm 89:15 says virtually the same thing: “Happy are the people who know

the joyful shout; LORD, they walk in the light from your face.”

Help me, dear Lord, to “rise above the fray,” as one high-ranking military officer

once counseled his nervous pastor. I need your “bird’s-eye view” over whatever

problem may be my worry de jour, whatever might be vexing me at the present

moment. Give me your vision of things sub specie aeternitatis, from your divine

perspective, not from my limited, frail, human myopia. On Easter Sunday,

Colossians 3:1-2 sends us the same message, loud and clear, short and sweet:

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on

things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set

your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

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